Monday, January 25, 2010

1st Day Of Preschool

Headed off to her first day of school! So grown up!

Her friend Sydney at school.

Maylie started school early, she will be super smart!!

We got McKenna enrolled in a Mom and Me Preschool right down the street from our house. She goes every tuesday and Thursday for one hour. They do circle time with the calendar, music, counting, art, snack and play time. She loves it there and thinks Miss Jenna is the best teacher ever! the nice thing is that I can bring Maylie. McKenna's friend Sydney is in the class too.

Bike Ride

We bought bikes, a new bike trailer and a bike seat for Maylie. Here is a picture of the girls on their first bike ride. The both had fun until McKenna pushed Maylie over, it was a tight fit in the trailer and Maylie can not hold her own yet, she we bought her a seat that fits on my bike. We just had a huge rainstorm here so we haven't been able to get out for our second ride, but we will be installing the new seat for Maylie and hitting the road real soon, I hope!

Maylie is 7 Months Old

She can now pull herself up and cruise things. She looks so funny because she is still so little!! But she is getting really good at it, and is pretty brave! She is now eating baby food meats and is a hungry girl. She eats two jars of food at every meal! I do not know where she stores it??


Polar bear paws

McKenna thought it was so funny that she did it twice!

Daddy and McKenna love penguins!

We went with our friends, The Bailey Family. Ashton, Angel, Sydney and Adam

This place was amazing! We will be going back for sure!


The Shamu show was amazing! All four of us were in amazement!!

Waiting to see the whales!

Watching the dolphins swim.

"What... we are at SeaWorld??"

Sunday, January 24, 2010

Maylie Crawling

The Gator

Here is McKenna's main gift, her Gator.

Beach in January!

New Years Day!

Maylie loves playing in the sand!

Running from the waves with her grandpa!

I love this one, she likes having her hands in her pockets now!

It was a pretty warm day, but boy the water was cold!

Uncle Isaac and Emily Visit

Grammy with her 2 fav girls

Grandpa and his lil girls

Their Christmas Shot

The girls loved playing with their grandpa during X-Mas break!! He is a silly guy!

Decorating Cookies

Maylie opeing her Santa gift!

McKenna did a few decorating, then decided to eat all the candy!! She stuffed it all in her mouth!

X-Mas Morning 2009

Everyone in their new jammies!

Look at all those presents!

Maylie's new toybox from Nana!

Crazy kids!! And silly parents!

Maylie's big gift from mom and dad! She loves her rocking wood snail!

Maylie's First Christmas! And both girls got spoiled by all their family and friends! thanks everyone!

Sunday, January 10, 2010

Dec Vegas Visit

Dec. 14-16th we went and visited the other Lillard family in Vegas. There we did a mini-early Christmas. We had fun on the strip and playing at their house.