Wednesday, July 1, 2009

1st Picture of the Girls together

So for almost 4 long weeks we have tried getting McKenna to hold Maylie so we could get a picture of them together. And finally tonight it happened. And she did great holding her "sissy". McKenna is very helpful (most of the time) she gives sissy her paci and bottle, gives burp rags and throws things away for mama. So I would say she is doing a great job as the big sister!! And is finally adjusting.
McKenna is very smart, when I am nursing Maylie that is when McKenna does her "bad" things because she knows I can not get up and watch her. Yesterday I was feeding Maylie when i heard a nosie upstairs. After I was done with Maylie, i walked upstairs to find that McKenna had scooped all the clean litter into the toilet. So I had to scoop it all out and into a garbage bag. McKenna had to have a timeout in her room for a few minutes. Oh the joys of toddlers!!


Unknown said...

oh my gosh! I LOVE her hair in these pics ...cute with the sisters!!!