Thursday, February 26, 2009

Rocking at Gymboree

She loves the songs they sing at her Gymboree class. And time she spends with her daddy!

24 Weeks Along With Maylie

Hello in there?? McKenna checking for baby Maylie. Maylie Rae is getting to be very strong, now 2 pounds and growing every day. Doctor says now i need to start gaining a pound a week or so. I have gained around twleve so have some eating to do!! Hard to gain weight when meat makes me very sick among other things. But cookies seem to help!! March 24th we have our 28 week checkup. Then I will do my glucose screening and they will check for anemia. Wish us luck!


She loves playing puppets!! So far she only has four but we are slowly getting a collection!


I just thought she looked really cute in this outfit, we were headed out to dinner to celebrate daddy's birthday!

Gymboree Saturdays

The two loves of my life!!

Monday, February 16, 2009

Valentine's Day Party

Friday we went to our friend's house who also does home daycare, all of the kids were able to exchange cards and eat cupcakes, everyone had a blast. And even the dads were able to get off work and join the kids!

2009 Polar Plunge

Here is Travis and his fellow Maries at the Baltimore Polar Plunge! There was over 11,000 people there at this event! It was so cold that day. With the windchill it was in the low 30s and there was even ice on the water. Good thing for me I was just watching. But the money all went for a good cause, thanks to all our family for donating!!

Meet Baby Maylie

We had our second ultrasound today and found out that the spot on Maylie's heart is now gone! Great news! Only 17 short weeks until we meet our little girl!

Tuesday, February 3, 2009

She loved the parachute!

21 Weeks pregnant

Baby Maylie has really started growing, these past few weeks have made mommy very sore and tired. But now you can tell there really is a baby in that tummy. Oh and this is Trav after I told him he needs to help out more with doing more chores so I do not go into early labor! Or he is disgussed with how many cookies I just ate. Joke.

Monday, February 2, 2009

Tap Tap Freeze

Here is McKenna at her class!


McKenna loved the bubbles and the parachute! Some of the kids were scared but she ran around laughing! She loves her teaching, Miss Marisa.

Gymboree Class

McKenna and daddy started their new class, we call it McKenna's tumbling class. They mostly get to play on the different gymnastics equipment and they also sing and play fun games. It was a perfect Saturday and McKenna really loved it. Because she has so much energy and is pretty tall and active, we enrolled her in the 16-22 month class. She excelled even though she was the youngest in the class and she really followed directions!! This past Saturday was all about high and low so every activity they did was about highs and lows! You climb up high then slide down low!