Thursday, November 29, 2007

Tummy Time

Aunt Vicki gave McKenna a Target gift card and she picked out this Rainforest Tummy Time mat. She played on it for about a half an hour last night. She seemed to have fun looking at all the exciting things on it. This tummy time mat lets her build her arm and neck muscles. Pretty soon she will be holding her head up!

Playing With Nana Dana

Nana Dana is here this week, she has been having a blast with McKenna!

Tuesday, November 27, 2007

In her Swing

McKenna in her new swing, she wasn't sure about it at first but is starting to like it, well I think.

First Bath

McKenna's umbilical cord fell off today which meant she could have her first real bath. She enjoyed it until Dad got some water in her eyes, then she got upset. And became grouchy and cold.

Sunday, November 25, 2007

Seahawks game

Our little Sahawks Fan and the Rest of the Family

Saturday, November 24, 2007

Visit from the Aunties

On Friday McKenna had visitors, Aunt Patti and Aunt Lynn.

McKenna the Model

McKenna loves the camera!

First Thanksgiving

We arrived home from the hospital Thanksgiving Day at around one. McKenna put on her little Turkey Day outfit and looked adorable. It was so nice to be at home, with our little family. And my mom made a great Thanksgiving Dinner, much better than that hospital food!!

Thursday, November 22, 2007

Baby Pictures

McKenna Dene'e Lillard

McKenna Dene'e Lillard

McKenna made her debut on November 19th, 2007, right on time. I started having contractions that morning but it wasn't strong so my mother and I went to the mall and Ikea then headed off to my 40 week checkup. My blood pressure was high so my doctor told me to head up to the hospital, I started to get a little nervous because she said go straight there. Travis got off work and dropped off the dog and headed up and met us. They admitted me immediately and my labor picked up. My water broke while I was laying there (that was gross) and my contractions got very strong after that. Because of my blood pressure I had to stay on my left side and McKenna's heart rate was slow so I had to wear an oxygen mask. I was dialated to a three so got my epidural, I WAS IN LOVE. I felt nothing during delivery, I mean nothing. I had no legs and could only feel one arm. But I was a great pusher and within a half an hour we saw our daughter!! Her heart rate dropped towards the end of delivery so the doctor rushed me, so needless to say, I have stitches. But McKenna was fine. And a crier!! I was in the hospital from three to midnight and within that time, we had a baby, it was a short and easy labor!!

McKenna Dene'e Lillard was born at 11:47pm and weighed 8 pounds 6 ounces. She was 20 and a quarter inches long. McKenna has beautiful dark brown hair and lots of it. She is almost ready for her first hair cut, but has the Lillard hair line like her daddy! We haven't decided what color her eyes are, they look blue but maybe changing to brown. We will have to see. We got home today, just in time for dinner!! We are very thankful today!!!

Wednesday, November 21, 2007

new baby more pics to some

Tuesday, November 13, 2007

Baby Update

Today we went in for our 39 week checkup. McKenna's heartbeat sounded perfect and everything looks great. The doctor stripped my membranes and I am now dialated to 2cm. So things are slowly progressing. By doing that procedure, I can go into labor anytime now. They say if it is going to work it will do so within a few days. But if McKenna is not ready to come out, she won't. Things are up to her, we are just trying to pursuade her now. We just had dinner and are going to go out for a long walk so make some contractions come on. We will see what happens. Check back for any updates!! Countdown for McKenna has started!!

Friday, November 9, 2007

Marine Core Ball

Last night was the Marine Core Ball! And we made it without any baby!! Travis did an excellent job at color guard with his rifle. The ceremony was wonderful and short! We had a pretty good dinner, I was starving so I ate it all. Travis drank and was very funny, he gets very lovey dovey. We had fun with our friends and danced one song, then headed home around 10:30 to our animals who were waiting patiently at home for us. Happy Birthday Marines!!

Monday, November 5, 2007


Today we had our ultrasound. Everything looks great. The estimated weight is 7 pounds 3 ounces, but it can be off up to a pound, so not a huge baby! That is good news, especially to me. The cord and amneotic fluid looks perfect, we just have to wait until McKenna decides to come out. We are thinking maybe November 9th or tenth, but who knows. Maybe she will wait until her due date, but we are both tired of waiting for her to show up!! We will keep you updated, my next OB apt is this Wednesday.