Tuesday, November 13, 2007

Baby Update

Today we went in for our 39 week checkup. McKenna's heartbeat sounded perfect and everything looks great. The doctor stripped my membranes and I am now dialated to 2cm. So things are slowly progressing. By doing that procedure, I can go into labor anytime now. They say if it is going to work it will do so within a few days. But if McKenna is not ready to come out, she won't. Things are up to her, we are just trying to pursuade her now. We just had dinner and are going to go out for a long walk so make some contractions come on. We will see what happens. Check back for any updates!! Countdown for McKenna has started!!


THE LIZARD'S said...

cant wait........

The Padilla Family said...

Today is my niece's 18th b'day and Sunday is Alex's 15th b'day. So those days are proven to be good days. Good luck!!