Thursday, November 22, 2007

McKenna Dene'e Lillard

McKenna made her debut on November 19th, 2007, right on time. I started having contractions that morning but it wasn't strong so my mother and I went to the mall and Ikea then headed off to my 40 week checkup. My blood pressure was high so my doctor told me to head up to the hospital, I started to get a little nervous because she said go straight there. Travis got off work and dropped off the dog and headed up and met us. They admitted me immediately and my labor picked up. My water broke while I was laying there (that was gross) and my contractions got very strong after that. Because of my blood pressure I had to stay on my left side and McKenna's heart rate was slow so I had to wear an oxygen mask. I was dialated to a three so got my epidural, I WAS IN LOVE. I felt nothing during delivery, I mean nothing. I had no legs and could only feel one arm. But I was a great pusher and within a half an hour we saw our daughter!! Her heart rate dropped towards the end of delivery so the doctor rushed me, so needless to say, I have stitches. But McKenna was fine. And a crier!! I was in the hospital from three to midnight and within that time, we had a baby, it was a short and easy labor!!

McKenna Dene'e Lillard was born at 11:47pm and weighed 8 pounds 6 ounces. She was 20 and a quarter inches long. McKenna has beautiful dark brown hair and lots of it. She is almost ready for her first hair cut, but has the Lillard hair line like her daddy! We haven't decided what color her eyes are, they look blue but maybe changing to brown. We will have to see. We got home today, just in time for dinner!! We are very thankful today!!!